All about me


Over the last couple of years, I've been looking for a personal balance and a life-goal. I wanted to feel good about myself and to find how I could help others. A choice I fully embrace today.


You know the saying 'a healthy mind in a healthy body'

In today's world, we're undergoing multiple negative stimuli that have a direct impact on our mental and personal well-being. We're constantly looking for that balance and our mindfulness is a real engine to move forward.

The therapies I'm introducing will help you to be balanced by taking care of yourself in every possible way with the help of aromatherapy and Bach flowers. These different therapies make you feel relaxed, free energy blockings, reinforce the immune system, lower and pain and make toxines leave the body by recentering our mind and body.


Other specialties

Energy therapies

Working with finger pressure and some acupuncture points with essential oils

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique - Soft stimulation of entry and exit points of meridians associated to scents to balance emotions

Working on acupuncture points along with essential oils and Bach flowers

Balance meridians and vital organs with essential oils and Bach flowers
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The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word Rei (universal energy) and Ki (vital energy present in all living beings)

This treatment aims at restoring the wellbeing by focusing on specific body points, meridians and chakras.

It's critical to know that reiki isn't a medical practice or a massage, and it won't replace those types of treatments. Reiki won't either interfere with ongoing medical treatments, and you can benefit from it whatever your health status.

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Past events

2018 Event

2018 Event